Entrepreneur In Residence at CMU

Entrepreneur In Residence at CMU

What it means to me to be an Entrepreneur In Residence One of the core tenants behind building this community at StartUp BreakDown was to provide an avenue for accessible mentorship for budding entrepreneurs. This is a role that I play both online and offline, as an...
Don’t Create a Solution Looking for a Problem

Don’t Create a Solution Looking for a Problem

A Better Mousetrap The old adage, “Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door” has created more problems for aspiring entrepreneurs over the years than perhaps any other. It’s extremely hard to push a new idea or product out...
Is it Time to Take the Leap?

Is it Time to Take the Leap?

Welcome to the Startup Breakdown blog.  We will be posting regular updates with the goal of providing you with tidbits of information, tips, tools and ideas that will help you along the path of entrepreneurship.  We look forward to this interaction and hope that you...